2021 Events Update

All 2021 events are on hold at the moment except the AGM (Annual General Meeting)

At this time due to the Covid pandemic all Simon Gregorcic S.C.A. picnics and other regular events are postponed for the time being except the members Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Sunday September 19, 2021 at 2:00 pm. Details can be found HERE.

We continue to follow the public health guidelines for the region, and look forward to having you come join us for some great Slovenian culture, food, music, and fellowship as soon as possible. Check back with us for future updates. We will keep events updated and hope that we will be able to join together again soon.

Thank you for your continued support, involvement and participation. Your involvement is very important and every member is a valuable part of the Simon Gregorcic S.C.A. community. We truly appreciate your ongoing support.

Stay safe.

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